President Jokowi's Apology at the End of His Term

Updated August 16, 2024 Bersosial News


In his final days in office, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has taken the opportunity to express his heartfelt apologies to the citizens of Indonesia.

During a joint session of the Indonesian Parliament on August 16, 2024, Jokowi acknowledged the imperfections of his leadership and the unsolved issues facing the nation.

Acknowledging Imperfections

President Jokowi began his statement by reflecting on his ten-year tenure, noting that it was not enough time to resolve all the nation’s challenges.

He candidly admitted, “I am very aware that as an individual far from perfection, as someone who has grown up within limitations, and as a person who is nowhere near extraordinary, it is very possible that some matters have escaped my attention… There could very well be gaps in the steps I took. And there may be many oversights on my part.”

This self-awareness is vital as it sets the stage for his forthcoming message of apology to the Indonesian people.

Request for Forgiveness

As he approached the end of his presidency, Jokowi sought permission to convey his deepest feelings to the entire nation. He stated, “Therefore, at the end of my term, allow me to express my innermost voice to you, to all the fathers, mothers, and siblings of this nation, to all the people of Indonesia, without exception.”

His sincerity was palpable as he continued, “I and Prof KH Ma'ruf Amin ask for forgiveness. We apologize for every heart that may be disappointed, for every hope that may not have come true, for every aspiration that may not have been achieved. Once again, we apologize. We apologize. This is the best we could strive for the people of Indonesia, for the nation and the country of Indonesia.”

Unfinished Business

In his remarks, Jokowi recognized that the achievements made during his presidency are still far from complete and fail to satisfy the public’s expectations fully.

However, he remains hopeful about the future, emphasizing that continuity and collaboration are crucial for Indonesia’s advancement. He firmly believes in the potential of the nation to reach its goals.

“I know that the results we have achieved at this point are not yet fully complete in reaching the final outcomes, not entirely in accordance with the hopes and desires of all of you,” Jokowi articulated. “However, I am confident and believe that with our unity and cooperation, and with sustained continuity, Indonesia as a strong and sovereign nation will be able to leap and reach the aspirations of becoming Golden Indonesia in 2045.”

Published: August 16, 2024

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